How to Install the Excel Plugin
The excel plugin can be found and downloaded from this page:
Important: Installation instructions
Step 1: Uninstall previous version
Before installing a new version from the list above, please ensure that you have uninstalled the previous version of Oxford Economics Excel Data Workstation.
To uninstall a very old version (prior to version 3) you need to uninstall the program that is installed in your machine. To do so, please go to "Add or remove programs" in the system settings, find the Oxford Economics Excel Data Workstation, and uninstall it.
To uninstall previous minor versions of version 3, please follow the steps below.
- Open Excel and select Oxford Economics in the menu
- Click on the "General > Arrow"
- On the pop-up, please select "Uninstall Add-in"
- Close Excel
Step 2: Install new version
To install the new version, the steps are the following:
Download .zip file
Extract the .xll files contained in the .zip file to any convenient (non-temporary) folder on your PC, e.g. My Documents
Double click the .xll file version (64 bit) that is compatible with your version of Excel (i.e. if your Excel is 64-bit, then choose the 64-bit .xll file)
The last step will install the addin and open Excel which will show Oxford Economics in the menu.